with this new track and talk of their new album, Love Letters, due for a March 2014 release. i thought now would be a good time to talk about Metronomy. and get how i feel about them off my chest in a sort of love letter of my own.
this is a huge statement but Metronomy are probably my favourite band ever. they've made consistently good records and haven't disappointed me yet. (i've bestowed the coveted you can be one of Rache's faves honour on only a few but i have of course always been let down in the end.) i'm not naive, yes it's inevitable there WILL come a time when Metronomy also fall from my grace; but hopefully it won't be just yet and on the back of the forthcoming new album. i've yet to have confirmation that the whole album is actually all good but this new track I'm Aquarius is VERY reassuring as to the standard.
also. i'm not sure but i think it sounds like the backing lyrics are 'shoop doop doop ahhh' AND WHATS NOT TO LIKE ABOUT THAT.
forgive me whilst i backtrack a little but it
seems weird has made me somewhat uncomfortable to refer to Metronomy as 'my favourite band'. in the same way its a bit weird for a gal of my age to be referring to a gal pal as her 'best friend' it all just smacks of playground bullshit. that flavour of the week mentality where 'favourite' and 'best' labels which were slapped on to anything in your eye line.
what i mean is. i don't often have 'favourite' anything's because mostly i find it hard to chose or worse i can never remember when asked to re-call something or when i'm put on the spot. you know those dull questions asked by dull persons like what's your favourite colour - they don't deserve an answer anyway to be frank.
but Metronomy. well. they have transcended this pattern. i can always remember them. in fact through out my 7 years in London they've been my listening safe place. in what have often been times of insecurity and uncertainty, Metronomy have sound tracked my good times and bad. from friendships, loves to heart ache and worries. plus i've lost count of how many times i've seen them live and how good that always is.
so i am bestowing the title of FAVOURITE on Metronomy.
can't wait for the new album.