between projects.

as a freelancer finding oneself, however briefly, 'between projects' means there's plenty of time to sit and lose hours on the internet. which is in a way somewhat counter productive to finding work. well it is and it isn't. one needs a substantial internet and social media presence to convince any potential employers of that they are in fact an internet savvy creative employable person and a you know 'somebody'. but too much presence and well there's opinions to be disagreed with, more room for faux pas you know what i mean.

plus loosing hours or shall i be honest days to the internet isn't really ideal full stop. of course it wouldn't be be half as bad if i was using the time wisely. but when there is a bounty of youtube videos of fluffy bunnies having bath time to be watched or Adventure Time gifs to be vaguely amused by, why do anything else. there is a lot to be said for pinterest too and the torturous pinning things i can't afford or how about the classic reading of other girls blogs which instead of inspiring me to improve my own only induces a cold sweat at their seemingly more interesting and probably perfect lives. but the thing that you really don't want to get me started on is my tumblr addiction.

so with that said i thought i'd share my efforts on the internet away from this blog here.
girlandtheparty tumblr

my favourite bunny bath time video

some one help me. employ me. save me from my self.