This morning I was privileged enough to be the occupier of a precious seat from my departing tube stop. Although my unassuming eyes weren't quite so lucky as my legs and suffered a full frontal assault. I couldn't help but give the unfortunate girl standing up before me the once over. Not only unfortunate in that she hadn't a seat but mostly with her poor outfit choice. I can't even begin to regal the horrors of her ensemble to you plus its not really my style. However what I enjoyed most about this girl was the absolute disdain it stirred in the lady next to me. She hasn't obviously perfected the subtle judging eyes as I have because she properly looked her up and down and made no secret of the fact. It was really quite something to witness. So here I am looking at sitting bitch lady, looking the poorly put together standing girl, up and down. It was all quite uncomfortable, at this point I felt a small pang of sympathy for standing girl until I glanced again and realised my eyes had suffered enough. Please someone just give her a seat and remove her from my eye line.