so Alice and I spent the whole of Saturday planning our party and creating a riot: we've blagged ourselves a band / club night type affair. should be lot's of fun.
we have named our night Riot Party.
we decided we should try and put on the kind of night we would quite like to go to and that our pals might want to come to. and lots of other girls like us might want to come too.
music wise we are going to play riot grrrl, punk, garage rock, indie, shouty chick based music and other trash you dance and shout along to in front of your bedroom mirror: all with less of the usual weekend pressure 'cos its a Sunday or something.
our number one task for the day was to design our flyer.
so off we went to Staples to do some photocopying and buy pens and art supplies.
(not very punk)
then we went to buy fizzy pop and crisps to get us through our crafternoon.
(also not very punk)
and then we started cutting and pasting and generally making a massive mess.
(a little bit more punk but not that much, because you can see we we're drinking out of tea cups)

so mess made and inspired by the epic play list we have compiled for the night. we created the below flyer for our party.

face by me. riot party logo by Alice. and the back was joint effort.
we are getting them printed ASAP and then will be frequenting night spots and making a nuisance of ourselves and trying to give them to you very soon.
In the meantime check out the amazing bands we have booked to entertain you, you can check them out on their myspaces if you don't believe me.
(*weep weep* the only thing myspace is good for these days - music, r.i.p the myspace glory days)
(*weep weep* the only thing myspace is good for these days - music, r.i.p the myspace glory days)
sunday november 7th. come. seems fine.