So look what a casual afternoon with Alice turned into.

My pal Alice has developed a love for nails. And crazily taught herself how to do it. Who needs nail school. Okay it did take bordering on 5 hours but I don't think the bottle of wine, countless cigerettes and snack breaks helped. But this was the first full set of acylics she'd ever applied and then we had to decide how to paint them. As you can see, we couldn't decide on one design. And so it looks like a 5 year olds birthday party ran into a hen party and then all threw up on them.
Thank you Alice I LOVE them.
She has just started her nail blog
love the name and you can check out her day job, beautiful clothes.
I do feel a little ghetto fabulous but hey, there is a first time for everything. And everyones geting mental nails these days anyway.
the absolute inspiration.
seems totally fine.