hitting it off with some one, you know the usual combo; talking, flirting and general bantering. and then for natural reasons your conversation comes to an end – say one of you is leaving perhaps. he whips out his phone and your thinking ‘hey, hey’, this boy is going to ask for my number, but as your thinking this and doing a little victory dance in your head. he says ‘can I take your surname?’ innocently, possibly naively you ask ‘umm, why?’
he answers, with the dreaded killer, of all things romanticised, innocent and lovely: ‘so I can add you on Facebook!?!’
by this point your thinking 'but you have your flipping phone out to save my surname, why not just flipping take my number?! for flips sake'
you then reply all cool and casual ‘I don’t have Facebook’
but to this he then replies even more casually ‘I’ll probably never see you again, then.’
BRILLIANT. has he really just wasted both your times to, for the want of a better phrase, pussy out like that at the last moment?
yes. yes, he has.
you're then all ready to forget this awkward little incident, to put it down to that age old fact of it not being meant to be. when it happens again, only 2 weeks later with a different boy. completely the same scequence of events down to the line ‘I’ll probably never see you again, then’. which I’m starting to think could possibly be the next 'it’s not you, it’s me' or something tragic like that.
why should you give someone access to your Facebook page, where's the mystery in that?
mystery, the one perfect thing about meeting someone new.
your favourite films, music, interests, friends and pictures all available for him to peruse at his leisure: all there for him then to still decide perhaps to never contact you. because he said it himself already the night you met, he’ll probably never see you again, anyway.
this all seems un fine.